Safe Schools

Howell Public Schools is dedicated to providing an exemplary education throughout the district's community. Among our highest priorities is school safety. We believe that a strong component of successful learning involves providing the safest environment possible for our students and staff.

Elementary & Middle School Visitors
As part of its ongoing effort to provide a safe and secure learning environment for its students, Howell Public Schools has installed a buzzer system at the main entrance to each of its elementary and middle schools as well as the freshman campus. This will allow each entry door to remained locked at all times. Visitors will be buzzed in by the building secretary after identifying themselves and stating the reason for their visit. Once inside, visitors should immediately report to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge.

If the building staff has concerns regarding an individual, they will follow up with additional questions, which may include requesting that the person display their photo ID to the exterior camera. While this may cause a slight inconvenience, Howell Schools believes that the overall security benefits are worth the additional effort.

High School Visitors
Visitors to the high school will continue to be greeted at the welcome desk located directly inside the main entrance.

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