Human Resources

Liza M. Kelly, Esq.
Assistant Superintendent of Labor Relations and Personnel

Colleen Swanson
Executive Secretary of Labor Relations and Personnel

Corinne Davey
Human Resources Specialist

Human Resources Department
411 N. Highlander Way, Suite B
Howell, MI 48843
Phone 517.548.6241
Fax 517.548.6241 - General (Student information and requests should be sent directly to the appropriate school's fax number.)
Fax 517.548.6235 - Medical and Pre-Employment Requests
Email [email protected]

Office Hours Monday - Friday, when school is in session, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday, when school not in session, 7:00 am - 3:30 pm


The Howell Public School District serves 167 square miles in the heart of Livingston County (population 160,000-plus). Howell is a dynamic school district and one of the largest employers in Livingston County. Our district operates six elementary schools (grades K-5), two middle schools (grades 6-8), a comprehensive high school (grades 9-12, Howell High School is separated into a 10-12 and a Freshman Campus configuration), and a non-traditional high school (grades 9-12).

We invite, welcome and value your application to our school district. You will find that Livingston County, the Howell area and our schools are committed to a unique quality of life and education for our residents. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our outstanding schools.  For additional information regarding open positions within the District, please visit our District Vacancies page.

Click Here For Current Job Postings TESTING:

This test is on the basics of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel, as well as Google Mail. You are given one (1) hour to complete the test.  YOU MUST RESERVE A SPACE IN ADVANCE.  Please email [email protected] prior to the testing date to reserve a space.  Please be on time.

Testing will take place at the Howell Public Schools Personnel Office located in the Administration wing of the Howell High School Freshman Campus (off of Highlander Way) - 411 N. Highlander Way, Suite B, Howell 48843. 

Upcoming Secretarial Test Dates:

Testing will resume in September, please check back for specific test dates.

**You MUST register by emailing [email protected]**

You are given 2.5 hours to complete this test.  There is a $55.00 fee.  Payment can be made via cash or check.  If paying by check, please make check payable to Howell Public Schools.  Click HERE to learn more about the ETS ParaPro Assessment. 

Testing takes place at the Howell Public Schools Personnel Office located in the Administration wing of the Howell High School Freshman Campus (off of Highlander Way) - 411 N. Highlander Way, Suite B, Howell 48843.

Upcoming ETS ParaPro Assessment Dates:
Please email Colleen Swanson at [email protected] for future test dates.

**You MUST register by emailing [email protected]**

 AG 3131 - Staffing 

HPS Board Policies

Freedom of Information Act Forms
      Certificate of Non-Existence of Public Record (8310 F3) 
      Itemized Fee Form (8310 F2) 
      Request Form (8210 F1) 

Michigan Department of Education Website 

MDE Professional Preparation and Development Webpage 

 Michigan Revised School Code 

 Teacher Tenure Act 

Collective Bargaining Agreements:
Custodial/Maintenance Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024-2026
---Signature Page of Custodial Maintenance Agreement 2024-2026

Howell Administrative Association (HAA) Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024-2026

Howell Education Association (HEA) Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023-2025

Howell Educational Support Personnel Association (HESPA) Agreement 2023-2025

Statement of Compliance with Federal Law:
Howell Public Schools complies with all Federal laws and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of the Howell Public schools that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national original or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, handicap or limited English proficiency shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity to which it is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.

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