Dual Language Immersion Program

Academia Bilingüe at Three Fires Elementary is a dual language immersion program where students learn in both English and Spanish through their elementary years. The program was created in response to parent feedback, and to create an additional educational option for Howell families. The program is an educational choice for families, and is not mandated for any student.

In Academia Bilingüe at Three Fires Elementary, students will learn the same course work as in other classrooms in the district, just in Spanish. By the end of elementary school students will be proficient in both English and Spanish. To learn more about Academia Bilingüe at Three Fires Elementary, please watch the video below.

Enrollment Information
For the 2025-2026 school year, Academia Bilingüe at Three Fires Elementary will accept applications for enrollment in its kindergarten classroom. To submit an application for Academia Bilingüe please click here. The application deadline is Friday, March 21, 2025. If enrollment requests exceed the available seats, an enrollment lottery will be held.

An informational family night has been planned for Thursday, February 20 from 6-7 p.m. at Three Fires Elementary. During this event, the Academia Bilingüe team will share about the program and answer questions families may have. 

To view our program brochure in English, please click here. 
Para ver el folleto de nuestro programa en español, haga clic aquí.

For more information on registering your child for kindergarten, please visit HowellSchools.com/KDG.
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