MacGregor's Message 1/12/2024 

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that your children had a great first week back at school.

In this edition of MacGregor’s Message:

  • School Board officer election and appreciation month
  • New Howell High School Global Scholars Endorsement
  • Begindergarten and kindergarten registration for 2024-2025
  • Academia Bilingüe application window for 2024-2025
  • 2024-2025 school year calendar
  • Summer EBT update
  • January newsletter
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

At its meeting on Monday evening, our Board of Education elected its officers for the year. Mrs. Courtney Tarara was selected to serve as Board president, and Mrs. Stacy Pasini was named Board vice president. Mr. Brent Earl and Mrs. Christy Conn were re-appointed as secretary and treasurer. Mr. Jason Bedford, Mrs. Meg Marhofer, and Mrs. Crystal Zurek will each serve as trustees this year. January is School Board Appreciation Month, and I am so thankful for our Board of Education and their continued commitment to providing an exceptional education to each of our students. I would like to thank each of our Board members for their service. They dedicate countless hours to their role, and often, their efforts go unrecognized. To read more about the School Board officer election and School Board Appreciation Month, please visit

On Monday, the Board of Education also approved the creation of a Global Scholars Endorsement for graduating seniors. A team from Howell High School has been working for nearly two years to design this program. Students who pursue the Global Scholars Endorsement will be required to complete seven courses in the program (including a required capstone course), and complete two activities, including a cultural experience. To read more about this exciting opportunity for our students, please visit

Begindergarten and kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on Tuesday, January 16. All registrations will be done online at On Thursday, March 7, from 6 to 7 p.m., each of our elementary schools will host a Begindergarten and Kindergarten Information Night. At this event, families will learn about the school, meet the principal and begindergarten and kindergarten teachers, and tour the school. If you know of anyone with a child who will be entering begindergarten or kindergarten next year, please let them know that registration will begin on Tuesday.

We will also begin accepting applications for the kindergarten classroom of Academia Bilingüe, our Spanish immersion program, on Tuesday, January 16. In Academia Bilingüe, students will learn the same coursework as in other classrooms in the district but in Spanish. By the end of elementary school, students will be proficient in both English and Spanish. The application window for a spot in the kindergarten classroom for the 2024-2025 school year will run through Friday, March 22. To learn more about Academia Bilingüe, please watch the video below or visit You will also find the application for the kindergarten classroom on that webpage starting on Tuesday.

As we begin enrolling our newest Highlanders, I would like to share the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar at a Glance. The calendar for next school year is fairly similar to this year’s calendar. You can view it at It has also been posted on the district homepage under the “Parents” tab.

This year, the State of Michigan will participate in the Summer EBT program. Through the program, qualifying families will receive up to $40 per month ($120 for the summer) for each child in their family. To be eligible, families must first complete a Free and Reduce Price Meal application. The state will use those applications to determine eligibility for the program. Even if you do not think your family would qualify, I would encourage you to complete the application, which can be found at If you have already completed a Free and Reduce Price Meal application for this school year, you do not need to complete another one. Applications must be submitted by February 10 to ensure that they are processed in time.

Vaping continues to be a concern in our schools and community. In its January newsletter (English/Spanish), highlights the latest insights, trends, and essential information for parents about vaping. Discover why it's crucial for parents to be in the know about this pressing issue and how you can safeguard your children's health. Knowledge is your best defense. As always, check out the resources, where you can access free courses led by licensed therapists on more than 50 topics. Check out the course titled "Parenting with Purpose." To access the course, simply navigate to and click "On-Demand Courses."

Please remember that there is no school on Monday, January 15, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On this day, it is important for us to remember and reflect on the impact of Dr. King's leadership and his commitment to the service of others. In the spirit of service to others, the Howell Carnegie Library is hosting an MLK Jr. Day of Service event. To learn more about the event, please visit

I hope you have a great weekend, and Go Highlanders!

Erin J. MacGregor, Ed.S.
Howell Public Schools

Posted by gouldt On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 3:52 PM  

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