MacGregor's Message 10/14/2022 

Dear Families,

I am excited to share a new resource with you that school districts in the county are rolling out today. The Livingston Educational Service Agency (LESA) has partnered with to provide every parent with a student in Livingston County access to a wealth of free parent resources, including:

  • On-demand courses that parents can access to help support their child
  • On-demand self-help courses for parents
  • Access to an individual parenting coach for up to 30 minutes each week
  • The ability to message your coach and receive responses within 24 hours when you experience difficult moments

The coaches are not school employees, do not work in our schools, and coaching is not reported to the schools. Additionally, is intended to be used by parents and will not be used in the school setting. To learn more about the coaching program, please visit To register to be connected with a free parenting coach, please visit and click "Register Today."

We received an update from VersaTrans that the MyStop App is once again available for the Android operating platform. If you were affected by this issue, you should be able to reinstall the app and access the bus tracking program. I want to thank everyone affected by this issue for their understanding as VersaTrans worked to correct the problem.

Again this year, Howell Public Schools has been invited to participate in the Christmas Elves program. Working with Brighton Area Schools, Howell Public Schools, and the Livingston Educational Services Agency (LESA), the Christmas Elves program provides holiday gifts to children and families in need. All names are kept confidential for both sponsors and recipients. Last year, the program supported 326 children with holiday gifts and 159 families with gift cards for household items. This was made possible by the generosity of our community. As the program moves into its 15th year, they are again looking for individuals to support this great program. To sign up to purchase gifts for a child, please click here. If you would like to make a monetary donation to support the program, please click here.

We are still experiencing staffing shortages in our Transportation Department. While we are fully staffed, with current staffing numbers, if we have multiple drivers out on the same day, we may not be able to run all scheduled routes. If this happens, we will provide families with as much notice of the cancellation as possible. However, if this occurs, we will likely not know until the morning. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a driver, please visit

Recently, Howell High School's Marketing II class students held a fundraiser called "All For Paws." The goal of the fundraiser was to collect toys, blankets, treats, bones, collars, leashes, and towels to support the Livingston County Animal Shelter's work. Led by the Marketing II public relations team, the fundraiser collected an estimated $1,000 worth of items for the shelter. To read more about the fundraiser, please visit

Erin J. MacGregor, Ed.S.
Howell Public Schools

Posted by gouldt On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 2:38 PM  

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