District Updates 8/4/20 
Dear Families,

Last night the Board of Education approved our Return to School plan. Getting to this point was a long and challenging process. It has weighed heavily on all of us. However, in the end, I feel that we have a plan that mitigates the risk as much as possible, and gets our students back into school. Through this process, we have heard from families who agree and disagree with the Return to School plan. I want to thank everyone who has reached out to share their concerns, comments, and thoughts around returning our students to the classroom. As we navigate these uncharted waters, I genuinely believe that our community will come together to support our students.

With school starting on August 19, I will begin sending out twice a week updates again. I feel with so much to share as we prepare to reopen our buildings and launch Highlander Virtual, sending updates twice a week will provide more timely updates and shorten up my sometimes lengthy updates. Additionally, this week our buildings will begin sharing weekly updates with their families.

Tentative Bus Routes Are Posted
We have posted our tentative bus routes for the 2020-21 school year at https://bit.ly/2BWhVVi. The routes are subject to change up to one week before the start of the school year. As a reminder, students utilizing district transportation will be required to wear a facial covering while on the bus.

School Calendar Change Reminder
Please remember that we adjusted the calendar for the start of the school year to allow a gradual transition back into school. With the changes made, Wednesday, August 19, Thursday, August 20, and Friday, August 21 will be half days of school. Additionally, we will not have school on Friday, August 28. You can view the full school year calendar at https://bit.ly/2B9v7FN.

Kid’s Kare Update
During the first three days of school (August 19, August 20, and August 21), we will only offer morning Kid’s Kare at our elementary schools. There will be no afternoon Kid’s Kare on those three days to allow our Kid’s Kare staff time to review and make adjustments to the program to help ensure student and staff safety.

Erin J. MacGregor, Ed.S.
Howell Public Schools
Posted by gouldt On Wed, Aug 05, 2020 at 10:57 AM  

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