MacGregor's Message 9/27/19 
Dear Families

Last week, I shared information regarding our plan of action relating to the current outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in neighboring counties. You can read that update at Our first round of treatments will be applied this afternoon in mosquito prone areas such as wooded and swamp areas. To date, the Livingston County Health Department has not reported any suspected or confirmed cases of EEE in our county, however, we will continue to work closely with the Livingston County Health Department to monitor the situation.

Next week we will celebrate Homecoming 2019. Homecoming Week is one of my favorite weeks at Howell Public Schools as it is wonderful to see all of our students, families, and community members come together to celebrate this event. It is so fun to see all of our students participating in Spirit Week and taking part in the annual Homecoming Parade. To view the full schedule of events for Homecoming Week, please visit

As I shared in my last update, I will be hosting my first Coffee Chat of the school year on Thursday, October 24, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Highlander Restaurant. In addition to the district updates and the question and answer time that are typically part of Coffee Chats, this year, I will be providing a more in-depth look at one topic. For the first Coffee Chat, Howell High School will be providing an overview of post-secondary planning and options.

Tonight's football game has been selected as the WXYZ Football Game of the Week. Recently, a Howell High School senior was recognized for outstanding academic achievement, and I am looking for high school students to serve on a new advisory council. You can read more about each of these items below.

Howell at Hartland is the WXYZ Football Game of the Week
Tonight's Howell at Hartland football game was selected as the WXYZ Football Game of the Week. The game was selected by earning the most votes (more than 10,000) in an online poll put out by the news station. WXYZ will send a news crew out to Hartland to cover the game and will feature the game on its 11 p.m. newscast. If you would like to be part of the fun, head over to Hartland High School located at 10635 Dunham Road, Hartland, MI 48353. Kick-off is set for 7 p.m. Hartland is showing their support for those affected by Childhood Cancer with 'Gold Out," so please show your support by wearing some gold to the game.

HHS Student Named National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student
Howell High School senior Timothy Atkins has been named a Commended Student in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. To honor his achievement, Atkins was presented with a Letter of Commendation from Howell High School and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. To read more about Timothy's achievement, please visit,

Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
To make our school district the best it can be, I am creating a Superintendent's High School Student Advisory Council. This group will help give our students a voice in their education and provide their opinions, feedback, and guidance on a range of issues. Students on the Council will advise me on issues facing the District, serve as a liaison to students in the District, work with regional leaders to advance the interests of the overall community and serve the District and the community. For more information on the Council, please click here. If your high school student would like to apply to be on the council, they can apply at

Posted by gouldt On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:57 PM  

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