Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year 

Dear Families,

Welcome to what I am sure will be another great school year. I hope you have had a wonderful summer and that these last few weeks bring happiness to your family. We have had a very busy summer at Howell Public Schools. Our teachers and administrative staff have been participating in professional development, planning for the implementation of the 2019 Capital Improvements and Security Bond, and preparing to welcome students back on Monday, August 26.

This summer, 10 elementary teachers and principals attended professional development hosted by the Teachers College at Columbia University on our new elementary school English Language Arts Curriculum, Units of Study. Those who attended will share what they learned with all teachers during district professional development as we implement the new curriculum.

We are well into the planning phase of the Capital Improvements and Security Bond that was approved in May. As we shared during the bond information campaign, many of the projects outlined in the proposal will be completed during the Summer of 2020. To prepare for this, we have hired a construction management firm and architectural firm. District staff has been meeting with both firms on a regular basis as they work through creating a project timeline and architectural designs for items like the secure vestibules.

In the fall of 2018, we applied for and were awarded a Michigan State Police Safety Grant. The grant is funding a new exterior door access system that will allow us to better secure and monitor our buildings. The grant is also funding a new visitor management system that will allow schools to better track who is in their buildings and create a consistent approach to identifying visitors to our buildings. This will change how visitors sign-in to each school. You can learn about the new system at http://bit.ly/2KiM2GF

As we launch the new school year, the Howell Public Schools team is committed to providing a safe, secure, caring, and challenging learning environment for all of our students. We will do this by building strong relationships, providing engaging instruction, innovative learning experiences, and ensuring all students’ needs are met on a personalized level. To support this, we have increased our elementary counseling support to include a full time counselor at each elementary school. We have also added new courses at both the middle school and high school levels to provide learning opportunities for our students.

Our middle school and high school offices will reopen on Monday, August 5, and our elementary school offices will open on Monday, August 12 with class lists being posted on Friday, August 16. If you have any questions about the upcoming school year, please visit our Back to School webpage at http://bit.ly/2K9zbI3 contact your child’s school. Our building principals and secretaries are always happy to help.

Thank you for your partnership.


Erin J. MacGregor, Ed.S.


Howell Public Schools

Posted by gouldt On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 7:23 PM  

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